Sitting alone on a bench at 9:13 pm slurping down the rest of your beer is no way to sober up.
That was one of the things I figured out last Sunday night.
Here are some other thoughts and observations from our 16-10 (?) win over the other guys:
1) The season: I think it's been a pretty good season. A lot of regulars have become irregular, which saddens me, it's like they've graduated and moved on, but I am always encouraged by the way excellent new people step in to take their place. Games have been good, beer has flowed, soccer players have been appropriately annoying. I have fun every time.
2) CSHR's: in addition to an IEHR (which, let's face it, still feels sorta good), I hit probably my best CSHR of the season this week. High and far, slightly Kingmanesque. Wazzo blasted a nice garden CS (which he later retrieved) for us as well, and Chris H. achieved what may be the first 2 CSHR day of the season. Hats off to that dude. Great personality, good power to all fields. He does need a little work on his attitude, though -- it's like he has taken the no-hustle baton from Ambrose this year.
Julian went deep for the D.Lee's.
3) Tame Names: once again, no fucking team names. What a lousy year for team names. Maybe it's because we're always trying to get in two games so things are rushed, but whatever the case, this cannot continue. Team names are one of the four reasons I show up every week.
Please come up with some team names and add them to the comments section so we are prepared come Sunday.
4) Pride: here's to D. Lee for showing some at around 8:10 when he refused my offer of a reset with his team down 10-5. Maybe not the right move strategically, but the right move from a heart standpoint. I think maybe we should just play one game every week unless it's a real blowout.
5) My whining: last week's recap was essentially an extended bitch session where I railed on everybody else for beer-mooching, no-tarping, and generally failing to live up to the ideals of the 1960's. I felt kind of bad about it but then I got to the field this week and it was like: tarps done, bases set up, beers on hand for all to enjoy. Looks like the whining worked! Great job everyone. In other wonderful news, D.Lee has recouped his money for the season and from here on out all game fees will go into the kitty. What does this mean? It means, in addition to buying a new ball when we need one, we will have AUTHENTIC COMMUNITY BEERS every week until further notice. Place your vote for whatever 16 ounce domestic can has been kindest to you over the years.
6) The Key: we were saddened when it left us, so let us rejoice now that it has returned. D. Lee has once again PROCURED A KEY TO THE FIELD! Good job dude. No more squeezing through the hole in the fence like a subway rat. Feel free to give D. Lee a low two next time you see him.
7) The Recaps: I think obviously we could have been a little more consistent with the recaps this year, but we've all given it a good effort. Let's face it, I think every one of us has a more complicated life than we did last year or the year before. Considering that, we're doing pretty good. I wish I had time to knock it out of the park every week, but I don't. For instance, this week I was going to write it in the voice of Billy Packer, but who has time for shit like that? What I'd like to see is some new blood stepping up and churning one out every now and then. Everyone is eligible. Variety is good.
8) Dan K., punch and judy hitter though he may be, is perhaps the most underrated player out there. He gets a hit nearly every time and he plays great D. He is also maybe the only reliable thrower we have from week to week. No wasted motion, no rearing back and heaving it twenty feet over the first baseman's head. A key pickup in the early rounds of any draft. He may have been the difference for us. Still...
9) Hussar gets the game ball. Belting two solid CSHR's is a rare feat. It is enough to overcome his baserunning lethargy and defensive mindfarts. Congratulations.
10) Soccer players: after an off week last Sunday when they were all home presumably head-butting one another, they were back this week. But only like eight of 'em. Maybe they are going extinct. We can hope.
11) The turnout: we had 19 guys this week. As much as I am digging the infusion of new humanity, part of me fears that we are going to top the unmanageable number of 20 at some point. I guess we'll worry about that when the time comes.
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